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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We're here to help.

⚡️︎ by madepublic

madepublic is a free community platform for indiehackers - a place to showcase your projects, find and discover others, and give and receive feedback throughout your maker journey. Twitter and other platforms weren't providing us with what we needed, so we set out to build a dedicated solution to those wanting to build in public.

Madepublic is a completely free platform to use, and there are no hidden fees or charges. You can create your account, showcase your projects, and get feedback from the community without any cost to you. The only optional feature that costs money is the ability to promote your project on the homepage for a small fee. However, this feature is completely optional and you can still benefit from all the other features and functions of the platform without ever spending a dime.

To give feedback or suggest new features for madepublic, you can use the feedback widget located at the bottom of the page. This allows you to share your thoughts with us and help us improve the platform. Additionally, we will soon be introducing a new feature that enables users to suggest features, report bugs, and share opinions directly on project pages. This feature will include upvoting functionality, so you can help prioritize the most popular suggestions. We are always looking for ways to improve madepublic, so we welcome and appreciate all feedback from our users. We also encourage user testimonials if you're enjoying madepublic - check out the link in our footer!

Yes, madepublic provides Twitter OAuth integration, which allows users to cross-post updates to their Twitter account directly from madepublic effortlessly (and for free!). Simply connect your Twitter account in your project settings and tick the checkbox when filling out your project updates to tweet each update. If your post crosses the allowed twitter character limit of 280 characters, we'll automatically truncate the update and provide a link in the tweet so users can get the full gist on madepublic.io. We also provide an embedable HTML snippet for a banner linking to your project which can be found in your project settings to ensure users know where to go to keep up with your updates directly and give feedback.

Promoting your project on madepublic's homepage can help increase visibility and attract more potential supporters, investors, or users. The homepage is one of the most visited areas of the site, and showcasing your project prominently can make it stand out to others in the community. While the platform itself is completely free to use, the option to promote your project is a way to support madepublic's development and growth, while also giving your project an extra boost. Additionally, the fee for promotion is a small and affordable investment compared to the potential benefits of increased exposure and engagement.