Video review app for collecting, displaying, and sharing.
Coming soon: Webhook integration to add automations!
FeatureWe are adding the ability to add webhooks to you video review campaigns, and a simple trigger that will send video review and data to your automation ( so you can do about anything you want from there! We are using to help with this!
New embed and pin 3 videos for that embed!
FeatureWe have added a new 3 video review embed that works on any website you can do HTML embed! Additionally, you can select the 3 videos you want to showcase in the embed, as well as choose custom background to match your site!
SMS Rules Change, Struggling to find a solution
RantIn order to stop spam and scammers rules are changing how we can SMS. We use SMS to send a link to a review page, and now we cannot use it. So frustrating!
Two months dev to create SSR for React SEO
MarketingSo React has many benefits, but SEO is not one. We have been fighting with improving our SEO abilities, and tonight we have finally built our own system that generates server-side-rendering (SSR) and the server distinguishes between real and bot traffic. If real, welcome to our site ... if a bot, routes to the HTML pages for SEO benefits. We were running about 32 for SEO score and today 98/100! What makes this even more exciting, is we built this system with Firebase and Functions! Anyway, joy joy joy today, for tomorrow we shall again dev! #sendmea #reactssr
Short Form Video Tool in Beta
FeatureWe are always trying to innovate and make the job of gathering social proof for our users easier ... we now have a short form video tool in beta and it seems to be a hit! That a video review, and in moment create a short form video ready for TikTok or YouTube. It has been a great challenge, one well worth the time I feel.
Adding custom QRCodes
FeatureToday we start adding custom QRCodes (using the Sendmea logo) to the app. We have custom URLs where clients can request or view video reviews and decided to have the option of using, sending, and saving QRCodes. Everyday is an attempt to make collection and distribution easier, I am excited for this addition. I will post examples soon.
Always refining the flow!
FeatureIf there is one thing about software, is there is always something that can be done better, or faster, or just nicer! The last 3 days have been review / refactor ... and we have had some great feedback. The hardest part about design I feel, is that making it so easy everyone (generally) can do it, means a TON of hard work and constant improvement. It is worth it i think! lol ... we shall see!
How to handle a billing error!
FeatureWe believe we have finally found the error in code, and it is stupid but stuck between my app apis and Stripe's. I created this, I am sorry email, and would like some feedback. Owning our mistakes is not fun but hopefully can keep our clients happy. As CEO I understand the importance of timely and effective communication when it comes to resolving issues. I would like to personally apologize for the billing mistake that occurred with your recent transaction. We take full responsibility for the error, which was due to a glitch in our payment processing system as well as the payment processing company. We are grateful that the mistake was discovered quickly, and the extra funds were refunded to you immediately. We understand that your trust in us may have been shaken, but please be assured that we are taking steps to prevent this from happening again in the future. We value your business and hope that you will continue to choose our software for your needs. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Optimizing and beautifying
DesignI am an engineer by life and education, started with a Civil Engineering degree then Information Technology, and on to MS and PhD in Computer Science ... No where is there artist design in my spirit. I remember in the require art class for undergrad we had to create a new piece of art and after drinking an entire bottle of wine I was 'inspired' to create a Picasso type of the Mona Lisa, in Crayon. I was pretty happy, my art professor cried. So, trying to fine my inner designer does not come easy ... but that will be my weekend adventure! Everyone ... have a great weekend!
Awkward issue with Stripe!
Bug fixSo, had a new subscription signup this morning, and we use Stripe for our payment processing. Well, something happened and the client was charge 3 times in 31s, and had 3 monthly subscriptions. Quickly refunded and did outreach to the client, and client was understanding. Then talking to Stripe, it appears that the non-duplicate transactions is not a default. If you use Stripe for payment, might check this out: All is good in the world of software dev once again...
UI gone super simple...
Bug fixThere are many standards in designed and development. Today I was caught off guard, a client sent me a video that he could not record a video review, that the 'record button does not work'. Well, he didn't accept the cookies policy so it disabled the button ... so, yes we didn't catch it because we agree. Trying to solve for the simplest things is often the hardest! Issue has been resolved, but just another joy of software development!
New affiliate dashboard design!
FeatureDashboards are tricky because the UI is often more important than the data, at least to many people. So how to make affiliate information exciting and interesting? Who knows if we wait for perfection or follow Reed Hoffman's advice ... #thinking #sendmea
Video transitions using cloudinary
FeatureUse Cloudinary for video transitions is complete and can handle upto 997 GB file size! We also are beta testing automatic transcripts for all video reviews!
Zac's 90 days of Tempo
- Dec
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Sun
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
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- Sat
Sendmea's Motivation
I felt that the review market for small business, solo entrepreneurs, coaches, and sales were not truly benefits the clients. I wanted to build a app that is highly focused and easily to use, that allows for the use of video reviews of clients help increase revenues and overall business success.
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